Put it in your Diaries people… 🎉🇻🇺👏A BIG night is coming for Big Heart Island Vanuatu as VVF hosts a gala fundraising event in support of the #TCHarold recovery response work being done by #BHIV in partnership with #Volley4Change across Santo and outer islands.
Vanuatu Volleyball has enjoyed a long association with the Santo-based charity Big Heart Island Vanuatu and this has been no more evident than over the past two months as the two organisations partnered up following the devastation of TC Harold.
Visiting many local and remote villages and communities
in and around Luganville and South Santo, the volunteer team delivered food, water, clothing, tents, tarps and many more supplies while also spending time with the people affected by the disaster listening to their stories.
WHEN: 6.30pm, JULY 10
WHERE: Melanesian Hotel, Port Vila.
COST: 6000vt per ticket / 48,000vt Table of 8
CONTACT: VVF Office/Debbie 5133167
*Music & Entertainment a feature